Temperature: 54.2 F
Wind Chill: 54.2 F
Heat Index: 54.2 F
Dewpoint: 33.9 F
Humidity: 46 %
Barometer: 29.812  in -
Wind: SW  at   0  mph
High Wind: 14 mph at 09:50
Recent Avg Wind: 2 mph
Recent Beaufort Scale: Light Air
Today's Rain: 0.00  in
Rain Rate: 0.00  in/hr
High Rain Rate: 0.00 in/hr at -----
Storm Total: 0.00  in
Monthly Rain: 3.92  in
Yearly Rain (JAN): 20.91  in
Air Density: 1.229  kg/m^3
Est. Cumulus Base: 4634  ft
High Temperature: 54.2 F at 13:10
Low Temperature: 37.7 F at 06:39
High Heat Index: 54.2 F at 13:10
Low Wind Chill: 37.4 F at 07:54
High Humidity: 81 % at 05:40
Low Humidity: 45 % at 13:12
High Dewpoint: 36.2 F at 10:14
Low Dewpoint: 32.2 F at 06:37
High Barometer: 29.877 in at 09:27
Low Barometer: 29.729 in at 01:00

Arlington,Massachusetts Weather
42.4 N - 71.2 W - 36 ft
12/21/09 10:37:10
Sunrise:06:53 - Sunset:16:14 - Moon:Waxing 21% Full

Climatological Summaries: 
Browse Archive Records: 

0 years, 0 months, 22 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes, 53 seconds wviewweather.com wview 5.5.1 VantagePro
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